Simplyk Conversion Rate


It's important to measure the conversion rate of your donation forms, as it tells you how effective and easy to use your forms are. The definition of the conversion rate for your form is as follows:

ConversionRate=DonationsReceived/UniqueVisitorsConversion Rate = Donations Received/Unique Visitors

Simplyk conversion rate > Industry average conversion rate

The industry average is 15% for a donation page. Note that on cell phones this number even drops to 9%.

The conversion rate of Simplyk is averages at 20%, which is 130% better than the rest of the industry! 75% of people who click an amount on a Simplyk donation page will finish their donation.

Simplyk has a conversion rate 130% better than the industry average

Why is Simplyk conversion rate better?

Several reasons explain that we have great conversion rate. The first one is the number of clicks that is reduced to the minimal. Below is the experience of entering a credit card with Simplyk:

And here you can see the experience with most donor forms of the industry:

Another reason is the cell phone experience. Simplyk is one of the only donor experience that is optimized on cellphones. We even allow you to accept Apple Pay and Google Pay!

How do you measure conversion?

To effectively measure your conversion rate, embed your donation page on your website (see the Réa foundation page for an example). You will then be able to compare the number of unique visitors with Google Analytics, which you can then compare to the number of donations received!

Last updated